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Art of the Arctic: Reflections of the Unseen, Masks and Ivories from the Bering Sea

256 pages illustrating 125 Yup'ik masks and Inuit ivories from the Bering Sea in full colour, plus essays by leading Surrealist scholars Dawn Ades, Colin Browne and Marie Mauzé along with Bill Wolf and Donald Ellis




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Art of the Arctic: Reflections of the Unseen examines the history and artistic influence of Inuit masks and ivories. The first half of the book illustrates forty-nine highly important and rare Yup’ik, Chugach and Koniag masks, collected over the last 40 years. Three scholarly essays discuss the relationship between these masks and their profound, though often neglected influence on the Surrealist movement. The second half of the book, in a tumble format, illustrates the Wolf Collection of pre-historic and historic ivories dating from 200 BC to the eighteenth century.

Beautifully finished with silver cloth and a printed translucent dust jacket, the book features highly detailed illustrations throughout. Complemented by texts from Donald Ellis, president and founder of Donald Ellis Gallery Ltd. and leading expert in the field of historic Native American art, and by Dawn Ades, Colin Browne and Marie Mauzé.

Works of Art featured in Art of the Arctic: Reflections of the Unseen, Masks and Ivories from the Bering Sea

Dance Mask E4125

Dance Mask

Kuskokwim River, Alaska
ca. 1880
Inventory # E4125
Female Figure E4120-79

Female Figure

Bering Sea, Alaska
200 BCE – 100 CE
Inventory # E4120-79
Mask CE3248


Prince William Sound, Alaska
19th century 
Inventory # CE3248