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June 21 2023

Exploring Native American Ledger Art

Daily Art Magazine

A long feature article in the Daily Art Magazine sheds light on Native American Ledger Art. ‘Poignant and evocative, these ledgers are rich in detail and steeped in history,’ Candy Bedworth writes. ‘They are a counter-narrative to the accepted history of “How the West was Won,” and we must treasure and preserve them.’

The article discusses the history of pictographic painting on the Great Plains from the oldest known petroglyphs in North America to painting on animal skins and hides. ‘Ledger Art is a continuation of long-established pictographic traditions, but using pencil and watercolor paint on paper.’ The article also discusses the complicated history surrounding Ledger Art, citing the residential school system and the brutal colonization of the Americas. ‘Re-claiming and celebrating the ledgers is a step in the direction of re-establishing spiritual identity and personal perspectives. These ledgers are historical records, pictures, stories, maps, and memories, blending art and history into one package.’

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Exploring Native American Ledger Art